The jungle role is versatile but challenging, requiring knowledge of pathing, objectives, and map awareness. Here, we’ll discuss five of the easiest junglers to learn, including strategies, builds, and tips to make you effective in the jungle.
1. Amumu – The Sad Mummy
Overview: Amumu remains a beginner-friendly choice for junglers. His simple abilities and tankiness make him a forgiving champion, while his crowd control is incredibly useful in team fights.
Pathing: Start at the buff near your bot lane and prioritize a level 3 gank. Amumu’s Q makes him a strong early ganker.
Team Fights: Use your ultimate to lock down as many enemies as possible, ensuring your team can follow up.
Objective Control: Amumu’s durability makes him great at tanking objectives, so encourage your team to follow up on Dragon and Baron plays.
Overview: Warwick is excellent for new jungle players due to his self-sustain and simple kit. His healing lets him stay healthy through jungle clears, and he has strong early-game pressure.
Additional Options: Guardian Angel for a second life in crucial fights, and Randuin’s Omen to mitigate crit damage if the enemy team is AD-heavy.
Blood Hunt (W Passive): Take advantage of Warwick’s movement speed boost when enemies are low health by focusing on ganking weakened lanes.
Dueling: Warwick is a strong 1v1 champion. Look for isolated enemy junglers and contest objectives early when you can win fights.
Use of Ult: Reserve your ultimate to secure objectives or single out high-value targets.
Overview: Master Yi is an auto-attack-focused jungler who scales well into the late game. His lack of crowd control means he’s best at diving onto isolated targets and cleaning up fights.
Additional Options: Guardian Angel for team fights and Mercurial Scimitar if facing heavy crowd control.
Split-Pushing: With Yi’s high attack speed, he’s an excellent split-pusher. Apply pressure in sidelanes to draw the enemy’s attention away from objectives.
Team Fights: Enter fights after crowd control abilities are used by the enemy team. Yi is most effective at cleaning up low-health targets.
Jungle Focus: Yi farms quickly. Prioritize power-farming to hit your item spikes and become a threat in the late game.
Overview: Nunu offers simplicity, tankiness, and objective control. His W, which rolls a massive snowball, is perfect for initiating or surprising enemies during ganks, while his Q ensures quick and healthy clears.
Additional Options: Thornmail for anti-healing and Force of Nature for high magic resist.
Objective Control: Nunu’s Q can secure objectives like Dragon and Baron effectively when used with Smite.
Ganking with W: Use Nunu’s W from out of sight so enemies have less time to react. It’s great for surprising mid and bot lanes.
Peeling in Fights: Use your ultimate in team fights to disrupt enemy movement and zone them away from your carries.
Overview: Sejuani is a tanky jungler with a simple and effective kit, full of crowd control and easy jungle clears. She’s forgiving to play and incredibly valuable in team-oriented comps due to her high durability and lockdown potential.
Additional Options: Randuin’s Omen for crit damage reduction, or Anathema’s Chains if focusing on nullifying a specific enemy threat.
Team Fights: Lead fights with your ultimate, focusing on immobilizing squishy, high-value targets.
Engage or Disengage: Sejuani’s Q is versatile for jumping into fights or escaping when needed.
Crowd Control Synergy: Sejuani’s passive stacks well with melee champions, so work with teammates who can trigger her stuns reliably.